These antique cloth shoes with leather reinforncements can be worn at two different heights; ankle boots or lowered down for a low-riding walking shoe.

Handmade by an Indigenous Guatemalan family of shoe-makers with three generations of experience, the soles are innovatively made from recycled car-tyres and are not only glued but stitched on through every layer of the sole. The foam inner-sole incorporated into the internal layers provides maximum comfort while remaining a light weight shoe perfect for travel, walking and dancing. Leather has been sewn in for extra strength at the toe and heel.

These shoes are washable and stretch in both width and length so we recommend to begin with a snug fit. They suit both wide and narrow feet.

Perfect for lovers of sustainable, ethical and fair-trade products, the antique hand-embroidered blouses with Mayan symbology that are recycled become a "one of a kind" shoe with a unique combination of external and internal fabric and create a completely unique pair of shoes unlike anyone else in the world. They are sure to become your favourite choice of comfortable shoe wear all year round.

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